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Below Decks On A Cruise Ship

Cruise Ship Decks To Avoid At All Costs

The Deck Below The Lido Deck

When it comes to cruising choosing the right deck can make all. Some decks are more popular than others and some are better suited for certain types of travelers. If you're looking for a quiet and relaxing cruise, you'll want to avoid the decks that are known for being noisy and crowded. One of the worst decks to avoid is the deck below the Lido deck.

Why Avoid The Deck Below The Lido Deck?

The deck below the Lido deck is typically where the ship's buffet is located. This means that it's a popular deck for people to eat and socialize. It can be very noisy and crowded, especially during peak hours. If you're looking for a quiet place to relax, you'll want to avoid this deck.

In addition to being noisy and crowded, the deck below the Lido deck is also often very hot. The heat from the buffet can make it uncomfortable to spend time on this deck. If you're looking for a cool place to relax, you'll want to avoid this deck.

To get the best-uninterrupted sleep youll want to select a cabin on a deck thats above and away from any public areas. This will help you avoid the noise and crowds that can make it difficult to sleep on a cruise ship.
